Sara PITTAge: 971811–1908
- Name
- Sara PITT
- Given names
- Sara
- Surname
- Name
- Sara PITRE
- Given names
- Sara
- Surname
Oleara PITT
- Name
- Oleara PITT
- Given names
- Oleara
- Surname
Birth | between 1811 and 1820 Note: Au décès de sa fille Julie, on la dit native de Hull Au recensement de 1871, elle déclare avoir 55 ans Au recensement de 1881, elle déclare avoir 61 ans Elle a 97 ans lors de son décès |
Birth of a brother | Jean Baptiste PUTTS November 24, 1817 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth | November 30, 1817 Quality of data: primary evidence Note: Naissance plausive, non-filiatif
Baptism of a brother | Jean Baptiste PUTTS January 30, 1818 Godfather: Dominique CHARLEBOIS — Relationship Godmother: Marie LAVIOLETTE — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence |
Baptism | July 17, 1818 Godfather: Élie ROCHON — Relationship Godmother: Marguerite DOGUE — Relationship Priest: Jean-Baptiste ROUPE — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a son #1 | James GORDON about September 18, 1843 (Age 32) Publication: Reconstitution exhaustive de la population du Québec ancien depuis le début de la colonisation française au XVIIe siècle à partir principalement des actes paroissiaux. Quality of data: secondary evidence Note: Il a 1 mois lors de son baptême
Marriage | James GORDON — View this family before October 1843 (Age 32) |
Marriage | Joseph BOYER — View this family between October 1843 and 1848 (Age 32) |
Baptism of a son | James GORDON October 8, 1843 (Age 32) Godfather: Binjamin BOYER — step-father’s brother Godmother: Brigitte DE VARENNES — mother’s sister-in-law Religion: Catholique Romaine Publication: Reconstitution exhaustive de la population du Québec ancien depuis le début de la colonisation française au XVIIe siècle à partir principalement des actes paroissiaux. Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Julie BOYER September 9, 1848 (Age 37) Source: REGISTRE DE L'ÉTAT CIVIL, ONTARIO, NOTRE-DAME-DE-BON-SECOURS, LA PETITE NATION, BUCKINGHAM, GRENVILLE, VOLUME 1846-1850, FEUILLET 63 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a son #3 | Michael BOYER September 17, 1850 (Age 39) Source: REGISTRE DE L'ÉTAT CIVIL, ONTARIO, NOTRE-DAME-DE-BON-SECOURS, LA PETITE NATION, BUCKINGHAM, GRENVILLE, VOLUME 1846-1850, FEUILLET 35 Quality of data: primary evidence Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a son #4 | Paul BOYER April 8, 1852 (Age 41) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a son #5 | Joseph BOYER between 1847 and 1853 (Age 36) Note: Il a 24 ans au recensement de 1871 Il a 33 ans au recensement de 1881 Il a 27 ans lors de l'enregistrement de son mariage |
Baptism of a daughter | Julie BOYER September 10, 1848 (Age 37) Godfather: Paul LEFEBVRE — Relationship Godmother: Louise PAPPINS — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Source: REGISTRE DE L'ÉTAT CIVIL, ONTARIO, NOTRE-DAME-DE-BON-SECOURS, LA PETITE NATION, BUCKINGHAM, GRENVILLE, VOLUME 1846-1850, FEUILLET 63 Quality of data: primary evidence |
Baptism of a son | Michael BOYER September 20, 1850 (Age 39) Godfather: Michaël LINCOURS — Relationship Godmother: Emily GIRARD — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Source: REGISTRE DE L'ÉTAT CIVIL, ONTARIO, NOTRE-DAME-DE-BON-SECOURS, LA PETITE NATION, BUCKINGHAM, GRENVILLE, VOLUME 1846-1850, FEUILLET 35 Quality of data: primary evidence Quality of data: primary evidence |
Baptism of a son | Paul BOYER April 11, 1852 (Age 41) Godfather: Paul LEFEBVRE — Relationship Godmother: Louise PAPPINS — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #6 | Rosalie BOYER April 28, 1854 (Age 43) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Résidence | Joseph BOYER — View this family from 1848 to 1857 (Age 37) Note: Le couple réside à Buckingham lors de la naissance de leur fille Julie Le couple réside à Buckingham lors de la naissance de leur fille Sophie |
Baptism of a daughter | Rosalie BOYER May 7, 1854 (Age 43) Godfather: David BASTIEN — Relationship Godmother: Herméline ARCHAMBAULT — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a son #7 | George BOYER February 16, 1856 (Age 45) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Baptism of a son | George BOYER February 19, 1856 (Age 45) Godfather: Adolphe LABELLE — Relationship Godmother: Emily GIRARD — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence |
Birth of a daughter #8 | Sophie BOYER May 6, 1857 (Age 46) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Baptism of a daughter | Sophie BOYER May 20, 1857 (Age 46) Godfather: Xavier NEUVILLE — Relationship Godmother: Adélaide LAROSE — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1861 (Age 50) Attending: Joseph BOYER — husband Attending: James GORDON — son Attending: Joseph BOYER — son Attending: Michael BOYER — son Attending: Paul BOYER — son Attending: Julie BOYER — daughter Attending: Rosalie BOYER — daughter Attending: Sophie BOYER — daughter Quality of data: primary evidence Note: Ligne 28 Nom du résidant: Sarah Boyer Endroit de naissance: Bas Canada Religion: Catholique romaine Âge au prochain anniversaire: 40 Sexe: Femelle Marié ou célibataire: Marié Personne de plus de vingt ne sachant lire ou écrire |
Census | 1871 (Age 60) Attending: Joseph BOYER — husband Attending: James GORDON — son Attending: Joseph BOYER — son Attending: Julie BOYER — daughter Attending: Michael BOYER — son Attending: Paul BOYER — son Attending: Rosalie BOYER — daughter Attending: Sophie BOYER — daughter Quality of data: primary evidence Note: Maison habitée: 85 Familles: 89 Nom: Sarah Boyer Sexe: Féminin Age: 55 Pays ou province de naissance: Québec Religion: Catholique Origine: Français Marié ou veuvage: M Instruction: Au dessus de 20 incapable de lire Instruction: Au dessus de 20 ans incapable de lire |
Résidence | Joseph BOYER — View this family from 1877 to 1880 (Age 66) Note: Le couple réside dans cette paroisse au mariage de leur fille Rosalie Le couple réside dans cette paroisse au mariage de son fils Paul Le couple réside dans cette paroisse au mariage de leur fille Sophie Le couple réside dans cette paroisse au mariage de son fils Joseph |
Marriage of a child | Jean Baptiste GUINDON — Rosalie BOYER — View this family Type: Religious marriage April 23, 1877 (Age 66)Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage of a child | Paul BOYER — Rose Délima MANTHA — View this family Type: Religious marriage September 26, 1878 (Age 67)Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage of a child | Michael BOYER — Alphonsine LACHAPELLE — View this family Type: Religious marriage September 15, 1879 (Age 68)Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage of a child | Pierre MANTHA — Sophie BOYER — View this family Type: Religious marriage October 6, 1879 (Age 68)Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence |
Marriage of a child | Joseph BOYER — Emma MANTHA — View this family Type: Religious marriage September 7, 1880 (Age 69)Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1881 (Age 70) Attending: Joseph BOYER — husband Attending: Eugène COUSINEAU — Relationship Attending: Paul BOYER — son Attending: Rose Délima MANTHA — daughter-in-law Attending: Joseph BOYER — son Quality of data: primary evidence Note: Nom: Sarah Boyer Sexe: Femelle Age: 61 Pays ou province de naissance: Q (Québec) Religion: Catholique Origine: Anglais Marié ou veuvage: M Famille: 254 |
Death of a husband | Joseph BOYER February 25, 1887 (Age 76) |
Death of a husband | Joseph BOYER February 27, 1887 (Age 76) Attending: Illisible BASTIEN — Relationship Attending: Michael BOYER — son Quality of data: primary evidence |
Census | 1901 (Age 90) Attending: Paul BOYER — son Attending: Rose Délima MANTHA — daughter-in-law Attending: Rose Anna BOYER — granddaughter Attending: Dorsina BOYER — granddaughter Attending: Joseph BOYER — grandson Quality of data: primary evidence Note: Famille: 120 Nom: Sarah Boyer Sexe: Feminin Couleur: Blanc Relation de parenté avec le chef de famille: Mère Célibataire, marié, veuvage ou divorcé: Celibataire Mois et date de naissance: 25 décembre Année de naissance: 1818 Âge au dernier anniversaire: 82 Lieu de naissance: Québec Origine selon la race ou la tribu: Anglais Nationalité: Canadien Religion: Catholique Sachant lire: Non Sachant écrire: Non Sachant parler anglais: Oui Sachant parler français: Oui Langue maternelle: Français |
Death | June 19, 1908 (Age 97) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial | June 21, 1908 (2 days after death) Witness: Paul BOYER — son Witness: Joseph DION — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Quality of data: primary evidence |
Family with parents - filiation plausible (en cours de triangulation) |
father | |
mother | |
Marriage: — |
brother |
Jean Baptiste PUTTS Birth: November 24, 1817 — Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours, Petite-Nation, Bas Canada |
3 years herself |
Sara PITT Birth: between 1811 and 1820 — Hull, Québec, Canada Death: June 19, 1908 — Orléans, Ontario, Canada |
Family with Joseph BOYER |
husband |
Birth: April 16, 1820 — Faubourg Saint-Laurent, Montréal, Bas Canada Death: February 25, 1887 — Orléans, Ontario, Canada |
herself |
Sara PITT Birth: between 1811 and 1820 — Hull, Québec, Canada Death: June 19, 1908 — Orléans, Ontario, Canada |
Marriage: between October 1843 and 1848 — Région inconnue |
5 years daughter |
Julie BOYER Birth: September 9, 1848 28 37 — Buckingham, Bas Canada Death: June 29, 1933 — North Bay, Ontario, Canada |
2 years son |
Michael BOYER Birth: September 17, 1850 30 39 — Buckingham, Canada |
19 months son |
Paul BOYER Birth: April 8, 1852 31 41 — Buckingham, Canada |
21 months son |
Joseph BOYER Birth: between 1847 and 1853 26 36 — Ottawa, Canada |
7 years daughter |
Rosalie BOYER Birth: April 28, 1854 34 43 — Buckingham, Canada |
22 months son |
George BOYER Birth: February 16, 1856 35 45 — Buckingham, Canada |
15 months daughter |
Sophie BOYER Birth: May 6, 1857 37 46 — Buckingham, Canada |
Family with James GORDON |
husband | |
herself |
Sara PITT Birth: between 1811 and 1820 — Hull, Québec, Canada Death: June 19, 1908 — Orléans, Ontario, Canada |
Marriage: before October 1843 — Région inconnue |
James GORDON Birth: about September 18, 1843 32 — Buckingham, Bas Canada |