Alexandre Gapie GAGNONAge: 2 months1838–1838
- Name
- Alexandre Gapie GAGNON
- Given names
- Alexandre Gapie
- Surname
Birth | April 5, 1838 Publication: Missions de MATANE et de STE-ANNE-DES-MONTS (1832-1841) - Transcription d'un registre unique et disparu Quality of data: secondary evidence |
Burial | June 14, 1838 (Age 2 months) Godfather: Jean OTIS dit L'ANGLAIS — Relationship Godmother: Catherine DESBIENS — Relationship Priest: Gabriel NADEAU — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Publication: Missions de MATANE et de STE-ANNE-DES-MONTS (1832-1841) - Transcription d'un registre unique et disparu Quality of data: primary evidence |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
Marriage: September 28, 1830 — Saint-Étienne, La-Malbaie, Bas Canada |
11 years younger brother |
Joseph GAGNON Birth: May 20, 1841 — Matane, Bas Canada |
-10 years elder brother |
Thomas GAGNON Birth: about August 1831 — Région inconnue, Bas Canada Death: April 15, 1840 — Matane, Bas Canada |
7 years himself |
Alexandre Gapie GAGNON Birth: April 5, 1838 — Matane, Bas Canada Burial: June 14, 1838 — Saint-Jérome, Matane, Bas Canada |