Inconnu MILIERAge: 39 days1829–1830
- Name
- Inconnu MILIER
- Status
- Given names
- Inconnu
- Surname
Birth | about December 15, 1829 27 18 Publication: Image photographiée par la "Genealogical Society Salt Lake City" le 3 octobre 1979 par Alain Allard (image accessible avec un abonnement gratuit) Quality of data: primary evidence Note: Il était âgé de quarante jours lors de son décès
Death of a father | Michel MILIER January 15, 1830 (Age 31 days) Publication: Image photographiée par la "Genealogical Society Salt Lake City" le 3 octobre 1979 par Alain Allard (image accessible avec un abonnement gratuit) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Death | January 23, 1830 (Age 39 days) Publication: Image photographiée par la "Genealogical Society Salt Lake City" le 3 octobre 1979 par Alain Allard (image accessible avec un abonnement gratuit) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Burial | September 7, 1830 (7 months after death) Witness: Louis GAGNON — Relationship Witness: Pierre FORBES — Relationship Priest: Michel RINGUETTE — Relationship Religion: Catholique Romaine Publication: Image photographiée par la "Genealogical Society Salt Lake City" le 3 octobre 1979 par Alain Allard (image accessible avec un abonnement gratuit) Quality of data: primary evidence |
Family with parents - filiation prouvée par son acte de sépulture |
father |
Michel MILIER Birth: about 1802 — Matane, Bas Canada Death: January 15, 1830 — Matane, Bas Canada |
mother |
Marie Angèlle GAGNIER Birth: January 12, 1811 32 22 — Les Éboulements, Bas Canada Death: September 12, 1896 — Sainte-Félicité, Québec, Canada |
Marriage: February 10, 1829 — Saint-Jérôme, Matane, Bas Canada |
10 months himself |
Inconnu MILIER Birth: about December 15, 1829 27 18 — Matane, Bas Canada Death: January 23, 1830 — Matane, Bas Canada |
Mother’s family with Joseph LEFRANÇOIS |
step-father |
Joseph LEFRANÇOIS Birth: August 14, 1792 29 27 — Château-Richer, Québec Death: August 21, 1861 — Matane, Canada |
mother |
Marie Angèlle GAGNIER Birth: January 12, 1811 32 22 — Les Éboulements, Bas Canada Death: September 12, 1896 — Sainte-Félicité, Québec, Canada |
Marriage: August 13, 1831 — Saint-Germain, Rimouski, Bas Canada |
10 months half-brother |
Louis Octave LEFRANÇOIS Birth: June 15, 1832 39 21 — Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, Bas Canada Death: December 3, 1925 — Sainte-Félicité, Québec, Canada |
15 months half-sister |
Marie Rosalie LEFRANÇOIS Birth: September 19, 1833 41 22 — Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, Bas Canada |
5 years half-sister |
Obéline LEFRANÇOIS Birth: January 8, 1839 46 27 — Matane, Canada |
23 months half-brother |
Ignace LEFRANÇOIS Birth: December 16, 1840 48 29 — Matane, Bas Canada Death: May 15, 1925 — Sainte-Félicité, Québec, Canada |
2 years half-brother |
Paul LEFRANÇOIS Birth: December 30, 1842 50 31 — Matane, Bas Canada |
2 years half-brother |
Raphaël LEFRANÇOIS Birth: May 12, 1845 52 34 — Matane, Bas Canada |
2 years half-brother |
Marie Sophie LEFRANÇOIS Birth: May 11, 1847 54 36 — Matane, Bas Canada |
7 years half-sister |
Delphine LEFRANÇOIS Birth: April 16, 1854 61 43 — Matane, Canada |
-3 years half-brother |
Pierre LEFRANÇOIS Birth: June 26, 1851 58 40 — Matane, Canada |
-15 years half-brother |
Joseph LEFRANÇOIS Birth: April 14, 1836 43 25 — Matane, Bas Canada |